Subject: WEB: HTML Viewer 1.2.2 Author: Mark R. Valence ( Uploaded By: CJ DaveAx Date: 6/26/1996 File: html-viewer122 .sit (232195 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 2384 Equipment: Any Mac Needs: AOL 2.x or StuffIt Expander 3.x Keywords: INTERNET WEB WWW HTML OFFLINE VIEWER BROWSER TYPE: Freeware LIBRARY: IC/Helper Apps -------------------------------------------------------- Keywords: INTERNET WEB WWW HTML OFFLINE VIEWER BROWSER Author's E-Mail Address: Description: HTML Viewer is a simple hypertext viewer, or "browser", meant to be used by people who do not have access to a full-featured browser like Mosaic or Netscape. It is also handy for authoring HTML documents, as it does not have the overhead that the more capable browsers have. The basic code for HTML Viewer was written as a weekend project, and then enhanced over a few weeks. The reason that the viewer could be written so quickly is due in large part to the existence of Marco Piovanelli's WASTE text engine, for which I am grateful. This library made it possible to overcome the limitations of the Mac's built-in Text Edit Manager, and also made inline graphics possible. HTML Viewer implements those portions of HTML that are most widely used. Anything HTML Viewer cannot do is probably something that the average HTML author will not want to do anyway. HTML Viewer also implements some simple extensions to HTML (which should be ignored by other browsers) that make it more suitable for distributing on-line documentation. Mark Valence Sassafras Software Inc. New in version 1.2 is support for Forms and their corresponding CGIs. This makes HTML Viewer a great tool for testing your CGIs without having to set up a separate HTTP server. HTML Viewer will run uncompiled and compiled AppleScripts as well as runnable AppleScript applets. Also new are support for sounds files, and use of Internet Config for handling network-based URLs. Downloads of previous versions: 485 ----------------------------------------------------------- Internet Connection Forum Libraries. Keyword: NET SOFTWARE This file has been checked for viruses. TDC